Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stop Motion

We took a million pictures of this rubber duck slowly moving towards us and now we have a movie, yayy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

i tried to fix me...

I tried to fix me by blurring my face, making my eyes stand out more, and many other simple small tools. It looks alright im gonna make another!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This was by far THE hardest project on photoshop ive ever had to do!!! this was impossible, but i like a challenge. I messed up her arm but the rest looks pretty sweet, kinda. Im proud of my work, finally. I changed her arms, legs, hair, face, skin, eyes, EVERYTHING.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

retouched girll.

This girl was hard to retouch because although i did all i could to fix her, she still looked ugly...kys.

Monday, September 19, 2011

i fixed her face.

I took her blemishs away, made her face smooth and lightened, changed her eye color, and basically made her beautiful!!! I used alot of new tools ive never used before. i think this is my favorite tutorial so far.

Layers on layers on layers.

There was SO many layers to this pic, it was confusing. threshold was a new tool for me! But it turned out looking shweet.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What Came Out...

I erased the attennas off of the butterfly and replaced them with soda splats and covered the butterfly's wings and body in paint splats. It was difficult editing the splats off another picture but it all worked out in the end! yayyy

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Banana Shine

This is the Banana Shine. I made two bananas and fliped it and use the gradient tool. This was a simple tool, it was really easy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Color Wheel

This was really hard and complicated for me! Took me like three days to complete it and Mr. Sands had to help out alot, but now i understand how to use the layers alot easier.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Its a Charkkkk

This took forever but i fianlly combined a cheetah face with a great white shark. Thanks to Katie's help!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


1. Giraffe: spots, yellow or brown, fur.
-Giraffe : Spots : Cheetah

2.Shark: blue, no fur.
-Shark : blue, not fur : dolphin

3. Kitten: fur, brown, tails.
-Kitten : tails, fur: Puppy

4. Rabbit : yellow, fur.
-rabbit : yellow : chick

5. Snake : long neck, scales.
-Snake: long neck : Giraffe

6. Mouse : fur, tail.
-Mouse : tail : dinosaur

7. Horse: fur, brown.
-Horse: fur, brown : Falcon

8. Crocidile: green, scales, tail.
-Crocidile: green : frog

9.Seal: grey, no fur, tail.
-Seal: grey, no fur: Hippo

10.Seahorse: scales?, any color, long neck.
-Seahorse: long neck: Horse