Tuesday, December 20, 2011

David Santa

i made the statue of david into a santa clause! It took too long ib had to use the clone stamp a BUNCH. yay

Thursday, December 15, 2011

eighth day?

usually fish bowls are for fish and i put a baby kitten and a shark in a fish bowl. its extreme! that kittys face is my favorite this took not too long and its funny!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

sixth day of photoshop

i wasnt here on this day of photoshop but i decided to do it anyways. so i figured out how todo this on my own, it was hard!

The 8th day of christmas

i chose the 49ers because im pretty sure im going to go to college at UNC Charlotte! This took only about 20 minutes and used the filter button for all of it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the seventh day of photoshop

I made a falling giraffe caution sign. I took a sign with a mountain made a giraffe fall off and changed the words to falling giraffe zone. I used all easy tools and it didnt take too long, it was fun.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Fifth day of photoshop was to mess up someones face and i choose justin bieber. I moved his mouth and nose and changed there sizes and blended his skin after that.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Third Day of Photoshop

We took movie posters and changed the name of the title. I made paranormal activity into normal activity to where its just a nromal family having a picnic. I used ll normal tools but took awhile to made the picture look like the original one.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2nd day of photoshop

I made aTigger Batman! I colored in his fur grey and formed batman's mask to Tigger's face. Made his belt with just tools and warped the Batman symbol onto Tigger's chest. Hes cute

Monday, December 5, 2011

One Slice

I cut up an orange frog and put orange slices inside of it. Took forever to make the backround where i cut the frog. Used all familiar tools.