Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's a giraffe and a hippo combined. What a perfect animal.(:


I warped an image of graffiti onto a picture of a toucan, made it blend, and created a splattered toucan! It was easier than i expected and i looks cool.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Angry Fruit

Making angry fruit was fun and hard to blend but i made it work!

Clone Us

We made clones of ourself! We used a tripod in one spot and took pictures in different places... it was a success.

Frog Tongue

My overall thoughts on this piece were that the picture is very creepy and gross but was a successful project. Remembering the correct buttons on Photoshop was hard and editing it was easy. It was difficult blending the frog with the tongue. I learned easier ways to use Photoshop that i previously didn't know.